Big Daddy and New Shoes for Baby

Our last installment had us in Chicago, eating, drinking and making merry with friends. We also visited our various medical and dental professionals – appointments that create a level of apprehension that I don’t remember when we were younger. All…

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Short Detour about Tall Folks

  As we were exiting Utah, it came to pass that my nephew declared/committed to Gonzaga Basketball for 2021. AND, it seems, he was invited to play in The invitational Iverson All Star Game in Memphis Tennessee. We had been…

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The Utah Weird Food Tour Continues

Our next stop on the Utah Park Parade was Escalante, where one can access Escalante/Grand Staircase (technically not a “Park” but a “Monument”).  Also in the area was the Utah State Petrified Forest Park. On the way to Escalante, we…

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Fun (and Corn) in the Desert

Our friends, the Florer’s,  were, as expected, co-residing in the RV park in Tucson, and we set about gradually merging our Covid Pods. This included a variety of shared meals, as well as a couple of bags of INCREDIBLE IOWA…

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