While we were in Vian, I noticed thru Facebook that friends Rhonda and Randy Dietz were home and in-country. Home being Bella Vista, Arkansas…just a 2 hour drive from Vian. Long before our swing thru Vian we had communicated…
Month: April 2018
Vian, Oklahoma (Yes, indeed, You CAN go back!)
Just kidding, of course. Dear friends Lynn and David Gray (also former members of Town Club – where I have stepped on Lynn’s toes at more than once dance…) live on a beautiful (if somewhat remote) ranch. Even if…
Spicewood Hospitality and Hydraulics
After the rally, we moved a mere 20 miles down the road to visit friends Charlie and Carol Mitchell at their home in Spicewood. They live on 2 acres on a hill. In fact the next hill from where Willie…
West Texas SHOULD be a Very short Blog Post
Even though it is LARGE and LONG, there is very little (“[no]Thing!”) to speak of in West Texas. Problem is, we have this rule about driving 4 hours a day only… So we had to make at least a…
Our Lifestyle is a Mystery to Most…
verb: rant; 3rd person present: rants; past tense: ranted; past participle: ranted; gerund or present participle: ranting; speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way. “he was still ranting on about the unfairness of it all” synonyms:…
Tucson: An Over- (and Under-) Whelming Blue Dot!
When we passed thru Tucson last winter (January) we spent only a couple days. We had the distinct feeling that we were not there at the best time…it RAINED every day. Not the best circumstance to appreciate the desert! So…
Near-Death Experience
Disaster nearly struck as we were entering the outskirts of Phoenix. Driving along a major 3-lane road; not a highway (stoplights) but a major thoroughfare. At one intersection, the driver of a small car in front of me decided he…