Our last installment had us in Chicago, eating, drinking and making merry with friends. We also visited our various medical and dental professionals – appointments that create a level of apprehension that I don’t remember when we were younger. All…
Short Detour about Tall Folks
As we were exiting Utah, it came to pass that my nephew declared/committed to Gonzaga Basketball for 2021. AND, it seems, he was invited to play in The invitational Iverson All Star Game in Memphis Tennessee. We had been…
More “You cannot make this Sh*t Up” than any post to date!!!
Thought for the day (Click here)… Once we finished with Utah (and I assume Utah was quite finished with us), we began the trip east, and ultimately North. Our goal: Chicago, where we have doc and dentist appointments. This post…
Moab’s UNIQUE Easter Celebration (and MORE Parks)
We made it to MOAB, where we had scammed a spot as a result of a cancellation. It seems that there is this thing called “The Moab Easter Jeep Safari” every year. Who knew? The “Jeepers” occupied every single camping…
The Utah Weird Food Tour Continues
Our next stop on the Utah Park Parade was Escalante, where one can access Escalante/Grand Staircase (technically not a “Park” but a “Monument”). Also in the area was the Utah State Petrified Forest Park. On the way to Escalante, we…
A Utah Religious Experience (or two)…
We departed Zion (do people actually LEAVE Zion without being cast out?) for our Vaccine Appointment with destiny in Cedar City. This was to be a two-for, since the vaccinations were being conducted in a Mormon Church, places we were…
After The Vortex spit us out…
We left Sedona and The Florers, neither of whom said they were happy to see us leave, but neither did they say they weren’t, and we know not to overdo it! AT least ONE creature was not happy we were…
Fun (and Corn) in the Desert
Our friends, the Florer’s, were, as expected, co-residing in the RV park in Tucson, and we set about gradually merging our Covid Pods. This included a variety of shared meals, as well as a couple of bags of INCREDIBLE IOWA…
Hot Springs, Cold Weather and Deshebrado Brisket
Our “plan” for the coming weeks included a couple with our FAVORITE Iowa Bluebirders and Corn Imprimateurs – The Florers. They leave Iowa for a bit every winter (wouldn’t you, if you could?), and after careful plotting of orbits, we…
Ice, and not Just in our Margaritas
Our time was up on South Padre Island, so we needed to figure out, “Where Next.” A few weeks hence we’ll be joining the Florers near Tucson, but what to do in the meantime? We had a couple options: Follow…