(Slowly) Traversing the Cascades

Thought for the Day (Click here) Leaving Idaho, we selected a northerly, and reputedly most scenic route: the Northern part of the Cascade Loop Highway. To get to this, we first stopped at Clearwater Canyon Winery in Lewiston, Id. Dick…

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Idaho Famous Potatoes

Chuckle for the day One of our “Targets” in this western swing is a visit to friends Dick and Tyra Stubbs. Though they live in Boise, the whole state was offered up to us with a set of tour guides…

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Saving the Best for First

Thought for the Day – Click Here Yellowstone was the first of the USA’s National Parks. A bold experiment by foresightful men. Actually, at the time it was creation of a playground for the exceedingly wealthy. These were the only…

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Cowboys and Bus Mechanics

Click here for the Thought Of The Day… Leaving Casper, we headed towards the Tetons and our appointment with George, the Bluebird’s Previous owner. We wanted to tell him how much we were enjoying the bus…that it was proving reliable…

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Our Eclipse-Destiny

We made it to Casper and the fairgrounds, where the Bluebird Rally was situated. Ultimately, there were 88 Bluebirds of all types and generations there. I think ours was the oldest…and the shortest. The latter caused us to be “relegated”…

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Wandering not-quite-aimlessly

On the way to our Eclipse-destiny, we made several significant stops. First, Ogallala, Nebraska. There we visited the Kingsley Dam, which my grandfather help to construct in the 1930’s. My father tells tales of youth there, including attending a one-room…

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(Continuing) Westward-ho

From Monroe we spent a few days in Minneapolis. There, we visited family, and helped Mom with some stuff. Helping Mom involved mostly moving furniture and re-jiggering her tech. She moved to a senior community which was EXACTLY across the…

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Trono (AKA Nirvana)

A couple of days of relax-time in Toronto. Our campground is quite near Toronto and very nearly nirvana. Well, near the Toronto airport, anyway, where there are no doubt several flites a day to Nirvana. And a fairly active freight-train…

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