Tabula Rasa

\ˌta-byə-ˌlaˈrä-ˌza, \ 1 : the mind in its hypothetical primary blank or empty state before receiving outside impressions. 2 : something existing in its original pristine state. After our very successful* 2017, and a complete break down-under (not to be…

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Getting our “Quirk” On

After a few days in most places,  the “quirk” comes out.  In the old days (aka the 60’s,  or Haight Asbury today) this might be called letting the Freak Flag fly.  Or maybe the “Quirk” is  always there but we…

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Wandering Around the End of the World

Quite a powerful storm system went thru Tasmania.  It was predicted,  and we adjusted our hiking trip to Cradle Mountain accordingly.  Good thing,  too.  We learned from some backpackers as we hiked that the Snow Line was expected at 1,300…

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Melbourne Wind-up

We met friends/Stalkers Nancy and Sid shortly after they arrived at their hotel.  Our mission was to help them stay awake until early evening on their first day here because crashing once and solidly helps mitigate jetlag’s effect on subsequent…

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Speaking of Barby, and of Mumbling…

Norman’s friend Sarah ‘splained the Aussie Language for us.  “All words are shortened as much as possible,  then “Y” (or “ie”) is added to the end.“ SO,  Barbeque==Barby.  Breakfast==Breky.  Laptop==Lappy.  Tasmania==Tassie.  Australian==Aussie.  And my favorite:  Sparky,  which means “Electrician.” OK, …

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Do You Believe in Coincidence?

In a previous post, I may have disclosed that we are being stalked down-under by friends from Magnolia Street in Chicago.  Nancy and Syd “just happen” to be in Melbourne and then in Tasmania at the same cosmic moment(s) as…

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Onwards and Downwards

We chose the inland route to travel to Melbourne, which brought us to a delightful little town recommended by both hosts…Beechworth.  Not much here,  really,  other than everything one needs.  A Brewery with excellent Pizza.  A homemade Ice cream AND…

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