Our last full-fledged stop on Newfoundland was the Gros Morne National Park. Many people have recommended this place to us, and we understood why from the first minute we were there. The park reflects a wide variety of ecosystems within…
Vikings: the “Original” (European) Newfies…
And we are proud to now call ourselves one! (Newfie, that is…certainly NOT Vikings) Our last couple of days at Griquet were spent touring the local area and visiting with friends. New friends. NEWFIE FRIENDS. Fellow Newfies! And, FINALLY, we…
Whales, and a Whale of a good time!
Subtitle: How we fill our days when we wake up with absolutely NOTHING on the schedule… Since we had arrived at our spot near l’Anse aux Meadows mid-afternoon, we thought we’d drive around a bit…see Whadda y’at. That is…
Shhhh. Don’t tell anyone. WE SCORED SOME MOOSE!
We moved on westward from Gander, making it to a place called “Deer Lake,” where there was a very nice RV park. The owner came by in his pickup truck and admired our Bus. When he found out we were…
Boggy Boreal Forest and Ridiculous Birds
After leaving St. John’s we began a rather aimless wandering around the Newfoundland countryside. Which is a BEAUTIFUL PLACE, in a very North-woods, Boreal Forest-Boggy sort of way. By that I mean LOTS and LOTS of little ponds and lots…
Amazing NewfoundLAND!!!!
First, let me say that St. John ROCKS. What a great town, with so much to do and recommend it. Maybe a little off the beaten track, but ABSOLUTELY worth the effort! More on that in a bit. And it…
Cape Breton Island, and Points East!
Getting to Cape Breton was an easy and VERY SCENIC drive. Nova Scotia is an AWESOME place. Small towns. Coastal Vistas. Pine Forests. Really great for a slow drive with no place to be in particular. But, we DID have…
Do Things Really Happen for a Reason…
Up until retiring I would have answered, “Yes, things DO happen for a DEFINITE reason.” Because when computers screw up, “The reason” that “thing” happens can often be found sitting at the keyboard!! And unscrambling that relationship had been my…
CFAs, heading east to PEI!
Our Canadian Expedition has continued in force! We spent a couple nights in a beach town called Shediac in New Brunswick. Our RV spot was a municipal park – very nice facility for cheap!. The town itself is fairly…
Roaming SPECTACULAR Québec
Heading eastward, we had a mixed bag of days where we have picked spots and made reservations interspersed with stretches where we have nothing planned. Our eventual destination will be Prince Edward Island, off the coast of New Brunswick/Nova Scotia.…