Full-Monty Kiwi Hospitality

Not a lot to be done in Matarangi…which is perfect! Festivities began with a swim in the ocean – repeated each day.  As you might imagine,  Cocktail Hour is more than one hour, and more than a little critical to…

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Radio Harris is Back on the Air!

We hope you have enjoyed your little “vacation” from our missives… After a couple of weeks in Chicago, during which we spent altogether too much time with dentists and not enough time with friends, we departed for our Down-under adventure.…

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Stuff Happens…

So, just after my post assuring everyone that we do not spend ALL our time making repairs…. As I write this, We are Stranded on the roadside! Stranded Right next to the beach! And, we have a hotel with us.…

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Hunkering Down!

As we worked our way south, we headed over to the Oregon coast. First stop: Florence, Oregon. Our expectation was to spend a couple of days there…a few quaint shops, some good restaurants and Dunes along the ocean for walking.…

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Victoria and the Terrorist Pepper

The drive back to Victoria was relatively uneventful. Same Twists, turns, narrowness, steepness and potholes as the outbound leg. A little less traffic, though, (it is after Thanksgiving), which is not a big deal for us, but it is good…

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