…That someone was “Taken too soon” if that someone was 107 years old? FULL DISCLOSURE: There will be some politics in what follows; I hope you’ll read on whatever your particular viewpoints might be. Only when we can TALK REASONABLY…
Once we made it to Minneapolis, we began the task of, what I would loosely call: Senior Citizen Debauchery. We were with college friends, with whom we had committed “Real” debauchery those many years ago. I remember evenings that began…
Wide Open Spaces and Masses of Humanity
The past few weeks have seen us burn several tanks of diesel, which means our front yard has changed several times even as we stay in our bubble, socially distant. We decided to make a big loop through the Dakotas…
Who knew there was SMUT in Iowa!
While we were parked on a beautiful concrete pad next to the Florer’s barn, I decided to take a crack at repairing a worsening Air leak under the bus. As you may remember from previous posts, many important functions of…
Iowa gets a Bad Rap…
For the past couple of weeks, we have been in Iowa. More specifically — if it matters, because one Corn field looks much like Another – In the town of West Des Moines. And, see, THAT is an example of…
An Interior Refresh
So, once we became aware that ONE IKEA had what we needed in stock, we RUSHED (well, as fast as RV WHERE YET can “rush”) to pick up what we needed. With cabinets now in hand (or on bus), we…
The Great Circle
After completion of our Fridge Install in Shipshewanna, and in person (tho still safely distant) cocktails in Southwest Michigan, we decided to head back to Chicago – by way of Northern Michigan, the “UP” and then down the west side…
Moving North…
Our travel is ALWAYS an adventure, so it should come as no surprise that our path northwards included some. It seems the governor had extended Michigan’s “Stay at home” order, and no amount of assurance that we WERE staying at…
Moving on…
We departed Naples, FINALLY. With a couple things in mind…getting the hell out of Naples being the first. Don’t misunderstand…nothing wrong with Naples. In fact, over the last 10 days or so of our stay, the beach near us had…
(Finally!) No more days in Paradise…
Our time in Naples Florida is drawing to a close, as we are gradually deciding to re-engage with the world. Our “plan” at the moment is to leave our spot here on Monday 18 May, and we have a variety…