Our stay in Vegas commenced with arrival at the CLARK COUNTY SHOOTING RANGE. This place was recommended to us as a replacement for the Dishonest and Unethical RV spot that we had booked in town. And, it turns out, the…
Getting Screwed in Las Vegas (NOT like that, tho…)
We left Windy’s and headed to Las Vegas. I had made an appointment with a highly recommended Diesel shop there, the purpose being to have the Bus Lubed, and under that pretense have someone knowledgeable look at the greasy side…
Friends with Benefits and Pigs with Personality
Leaving Denver, we had a choice of 2 paths. One would land us in Pagosa Springs, where Liz’s friends Dyan and Royce have a new AirBNB (and, as we learned only later, Royce had prepared a Green Chili made with…
Iowa Harvest University and more (WAY MORE!)
Immediately upon arrival at the Florer Farm, Cindy delivered us out to the field Steve was Combining, and he took first Liz and then me for a ride in “The Combine!” This is the UNBELIEVEABLE (to a City-slicker, anyway) symbol…
Bumps and Spots and Anomalies, Oh My!
Our path next took us back to Chicago for the very briefest of visits. Our ONLY reason for visiting was that I had noticed a bizarre “thing” under my tongue. Noticed because I had managed to get a Tortilla chip…
Senior Debauchery
Several college friends had made the trek to Minnesota: Dick and Tyra Stubbs from Idaho, Craig Banister from Denver, Betsy Kremser from Nearby Osceola, WI. Mark Morris ex-of-Duluth even made a cameo appearance, too, all the way from San Rafael,…
Onwards and Upwards…
We left out West Des Moines en route to Minnesota for a variety of End-of-summer fun and frivolity. We had about 3 weeks planned in the Twin Cities – State Fair, mini-college reunion and “Friendsgiving.” Prior to that, though, we…
Times when we might prefer a ROOT CANAL
Our trips (yes, TRIPS!) to Chicago were in part necessitated by a cascade of building maintenance items that, together, added up to some pretty major expenses AND the need to involve the City of Chicago Building Department. I know, redundant,…
Truman and the LOO
A thought for the day courtesy of Harry Truman… Our last missive described our first pass through Missouri, and KC in particular. Since we missed the Truman Library (it reopened after a 2-year remodeling project THE DAY AFTER WE LEFT…)…
Blues, Baseball and Birthday USA
We approached and settled in KC after having our fill of Home Made Ice Cream (Is that even possible – the “having our fill” part?) at the Florers’. We had identified an RV spot that seemed close-in, being just outside…