and…Plans for Year 4 (2020)!

As you well know, if you have been reading these pages with ANY regularity, we don’t put a lot of effort into anything that one would call an “Itinerary.” We generally make big, broad “Quadrant” projections, and see what happens…

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End of 2019 (year 3 on the road)

We have just spent ANOTHER significant holiday with THE MOST DELIGHTFUL people imaginable. These are the McNicolls, who are related by marriage (Liz’s Brother’s in-laws). They have graciously welcomed us into their home and to their holiday table three times,…

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A Kiwi Invasion!

You may recall that we spent 3 weeks over XMAS and New Years 2017-2018 in New Zealand with friends Pam and Kevin Wilson…  While there, and because Liz HATES accepting hospitality at face value, we insisted on helping with their…

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Our route towards Houston circumnavigated the city of Dallas. We arrived there with about 4 hours on the clock, so it was time to stop. We had a choice – stop Mid-Dallas-ish (there was a Walmart in the town of…

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So Cheesey it Belongs in Wisconsin!

We departed Albuquerque to begin our slow march eastwards. We have an “appointment” in Daphne, Alabama (near Mobile) to have our favorite Truck Mechanics, Lazzari Truck Services, put hands on RV WHERE YET. Lazzari was one of our first experiences…

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Good Timing and Great Peril

Before escaping Thermopolis, we had another “issue,” this of a technological nature. During the tank repair nightmare, I was outside after dark, using my phone as a flashlight when it fell off the ledge it was on.  Not more than…

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