Bug Smasher of the Year!

Our next stop, after Hilton Head was the banks of the Mississippi, in Vidalia, La., where there is a LOVELY RV PARK that overlooks (for the moment) the Mississippi River. I say “for the moment” because the river is rising,…

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Hilton Head and Iowa Crack

We arrived at HH just a couple of hours ahead of a major, and fairly violent cold front. We had a few hours of warm, sunny weather before the crash, though, and put it to full use – cocktails on…

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(More) Southern Exposure.

Our next stop as we headed south was Raleigh, NC. A place where RV WHERE YET’s Left-lean would not be noticeable…and another place we had heard good things about, so, time to explore! The first thing we discovered was a…

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and…Plans for Year 4 (2020)!

As you well know, if you have been reading these pages with ANY regularity, we don’t put a lot of effort into anything that one would call an “Itinerary.” We generally make big, broad “Quadrant” projections, and see what happens…

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End of 2019 (year 3 on the road)

We have just spent ANOTHER significant holiday with THE MOST DELIGHTFUL people imaginable. These are the McNicolls, who are related by marriage (Liz’s Brother’s in-laws). They have graciously welcomed us into their home and to their holiday table three times,…

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A Kiwi Invasion!

You may recall that we spent 3 weeks over XMAS and New Years 2017-2018 in New Zealand with friends Pam and Kevin Wilson…  While there, and because Liz HATES accepting hospitality at face value, we insisted on helping with their…

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