Bye Bye, Paris!

So, it is Thursday eve. and we have successfully managed Paris. Hopefully we will also manage leaving Paris (which will happen tomorrow AM by rental car) – with our heads! A lot of people didn’t in former days. But we…

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Decorating Research…

Today (Thursday,  I think) dawned nice and sunny, which is a big change from each of the preceding days. We hopped on a train (Which stops across the street from our boat) and visited the City/Palace of Versaille. I guess…

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Not just the tourist stuff….

Misfits report another 8 miles walked today. However to expand our range we included the METRO in our excursion. We saw: the Bataclan and offices of Charlie Hebdo, as well as the Place de la République. The latter especially was…

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Paris Tourists…

According to our “Misfits” (like a Fitbit but for people who are non-conformist, left-leaning and free-thinking) we walked 10 miles today. I think that was entirely within the Louvre.   We saw the usual suspects there: Mona, Venus, Jesus (x100) et…

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Paris: Random First Impressions

Pre-Paris: our flite left about 2 hours late. And we realized we don’t care. . What an AWESOME and unexpected summary of what we are trying to accomplish in retirement! Train from the airport could have been in Chicago –…

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An Auspicious Start!!!

Well, we haven’t even left Chicago and our trip is already off to an EXCELLENT start! Over the years, we have had “discussions” about the volume of accoutrements (practicing my French) we travel with (i.e. suitcase size). One of us…

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The Trip “Plan”

Liz and I have been discussing a trip to Paris for our 25th Wedding Anniversary (23 Feb. 2016).  Well,  actually,  Liz has been strongly suggesting and I have been listening, which might be one of the reasons we have arrived…

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