Europe 2016

First night in Lyon (Gastronomic adventures…)

2016-02-28 14.14.35Well, it finally happened. We had our first “less than perfect” meal. The food was only average. BUT, the waitstaff spoke English very well AND the restaurant was very relaxed and friendly. And they had an excellent Belgian Beer on tap (Affigen, if anyone is keeping track).   And, as always, there is a story to tell…

We “discovered” the place on TripAdvisor. Only to pick one of about thirty places on the sort of “main” restaurant street in Lyon. We are standing in front of it and it is totally empty (7:30 is a bit early for dinner in France). On TA there is a box to make a reservation and an associated 30% discount. SO we made a reservation, walked in and claimed our 30%!

I don’t even feel guilty about it because:

  • The discount encouraged us to select THIS place
  • The significant discount focused us on the relaxed and friendly vs. the average food.
  • My accountant (Howie) has shown me the way in achieving discounts of all manner without the least feeling of guilt. Hmm, maybe I will ask for a discount on my Tax Return for promoting his services.
Rules to live by: If you like every “gastronomic Adventure” then you are clearly NOT being adventuresome enough

And the food was not “bad,” so much as I just ordered something that I regret a little. I was going for “Authentic Lyonnaise” and it was called “Andouillette Sausage.” The internet was not good in the restaurant, or I might not have ordered this. Wikipedia later translated for us… Other internet references translated it as “Pig Poo Sausage.” In part because it is made from the pig’s lower intestine and partly because of how it tastes. Liz, too, was feeling adventuresome, so she ordered Beef Tartare Thai Style.

The finale, the Chocolate Cake with Gelato was AWESOME. And did I mention the beer was good?

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