Our exit from Ottawa and travel to the area north of Montreal was uneventful. Roads: Good. Traffic: Moderate. Weather: hot and expected to be WAY HOT. Campground: BOOKED in Laurentien Mountain cottage country north of Montreal. Canada Day Festivities:…
Hospitality in A Special Place in Hell
From NOTL, the McDowell and Harris nomad nation broke camp and headed for Ottawa, where longtime friends Fidele and Blair Davidson reside. Too far to make it in one day, we settled on a little town called “Cobourg” on Lake…
Off the Rails More Than on Them
Thot for the day if you just turned 60…(click here) Our scheduled appointment with destiny and McDowell was intended for the Jordan Valley Campground, near Niagara on the Lake in Ontario. We were planning to get to the campground on…
TOTUS Notwithstanding, Apply for POW Status?
Dinner with Les Aidelbaum was all we thought it would be…excellent food, beer, Ice Cream and company. Liz spent little time verifying that Steve was concerned about the Bus’ weight vs. its occupants…I think Steve might have, for a…
Waiting out the Twitter storm at Port Huron
Our exit from Detroit was uneventful. Straight up I-94 towards Port Huron and our ultimate entrance into Canada. We decided to actually STOP in Port Huron for a few days, unlike our last time thru (From Canada to USA last…
Motown on the Rise? Anyway, On the Itinerary!
After Shipshewana we had about ten days available to us before our next “planned” destination. THAT would be Niagara on the Lake, where we are to meet friends Mike and Fran McDowell. We are a little worried that before then, …
Arrive Old(ish)…Leave Teenagers!
Our first “formal” stop on the way to nowhere/everywhere this summer was a Bluebirds Rally in Shipshewana, Indiana, in the heart of Amish AND RV country. A “Rally” is a bit like all the meetings and conventions Liz and…
Magic Mushroom Muscoda
Thought for the Day (any day, really!) CLICK HERE After Minneapolis (and Mom’s Move), we needed a VACATION. We have been reminded, if one is not “working” then technically it is LIFE, not a vacation. I would argue that…
Family Time
There has been a bit of Radio Silence since Memphis. Part of that surely has to do with the cultural and personal impact felt and noticed following our visit to Graceland. I mean, it is hard to recover from such…
Graceland and BBQ: All that, and more!
I am not really sure how to do full justice to the monument that is Graceland. Elvis was larger than life in many ways…not all of them, shall we say, “Smooth and Sophisticated.” And Graceland really puts on a pedestal…