The EXACT cost of Stupidity…

Our Alaska Voyage is now well underway. We made it to Vancouver as “planned” so we could group (can’t “re”group unless you have grouped first!) with our travelling companions, the Enfingers. Actually, we met up with them in Olympia, WA.…

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California Here We Come [Sucker]

Our Bluebird Musical horn plays that song [I added “Sucker”] , along with 31 others including RV WHERE YET’s Theme Song: Roll Out The Barrel… .. Leaving Phoenix we had about half a tank of diesel. In that situation, I…

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Almost Texans…

We returned to Weatherford Texas, where we discovered that Max Hendrix had NOT sold the bus, though he claimed the neighbors were interested. Not so interested, apparently, that the police were summoned. While at the Max-cave, I completed the installation…

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Thought for the Day (Click me!) My Dad’s 90th Birthday celebration in Minneapolis was SPECTACULAR. Celebrating a life well-lived, and far from done. There was a bit of nostalgia, some well-meaning trash-talking and general festivity at a brunch hosted magnificently…

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Texas-sized Hospitality

So, we arrived at Weatherford and Chez Hendrix having passed through another line of impressive storms.  In years past, we always watched on TV Weather the Bright Yellow and RED storms that seem to sweep across Texas, Oklahoma and such…

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Weather (or not)

Our “plans” are definitely subject to the winds and whims of the weather. We had the idea to travel northwards a bit to see old friends Rhonda and Randy Dietz in far-Northwestern Arkansas, then Lynn and Dave Gray in far…

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On a Roll (while Rollin’ on the River…)

First, I guess I am on a roll…please indulge me for ONE MORE Personal post.. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to my bride, partner-in-crime, conscience, dance-lead, muse, Secretary of the Treasury, main-squeeze (and alternate squeeze). I am speaking more about our lives together…

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