Little Rock and the Mothership!

  While we were in Vian,  I noticed thru Facebook that friends Rhonda and Randy Dietz were home and in-country.  Home being Bella Vista, Arkansas…just a 2 hour drive from Vian.   Long before our swing thru Vian we had communicated…

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Our Lifestyle is a Mystery to Most…

    verb: rant; 3rd person present: rants; past tense: ranted; past participle: ranted; gerund or present participle: ranting; speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way.  “he was still ranting on about the unfairness of it all”   synonyms:…

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Near-Death Experience

Disaster nearly struck as we were entering the outskirts of Phoenix.  Driving along a major 3-lane road;  not a highway (stoplights) but a major thoroughfare.  At one intersection,  the driver of a small car in front of me decided he…

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Our 2018 Plans…

“Plan” is a four letter word, and it something we try not to do too much or too carefully… But, when I started to put this post and an associated map (click here, or see below) together, I realized it…

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