Thoughts and Musings

Should EVERYONE spend their Anniversary in Tasmania?…

Minimal Anniversary Gifts

Our last couple days in Tassie were in Hobart.  One of these was our Anniversary (#27).  It has been something of a tradition,  on our anniversary,  to do several things:

  1. To enjoy it in a faraway place
  2. To wish friend and former partner Steve Sawatski happy B-Day (since Feb 23 is that,  as well)
    Eating an Aussie Paczki
  3. To enjoy a Paczki (Polish Jelly Donut)…since our Wedding, Anniversary and Steve’s B-Day often coincide or are near Paczki Day (AKA Fat Tuesday).
  4. Exchange meaningless gifts in honor of the fact that the real gift is our  ___ (FILL IN THE BLANK this year with 27) years together. 


I think we ticked all the boxes this year in Tasmania!  

Salamanca under Cover

We also visited the Salamanca Saturday market…in pouring rain.  

As we get ready to depart  down-under for up-over,  I would have to say this about Tasmania: 

It is a LONG WAY from everywhere EXCEPT Australia/NZ. 

Strange and Wonderful Food (Mostly)

It is DEFINITELY worth a visit if you are in Oz – plan a week or maybe 10 days.  Slow down, enjoy excellent food and drink, magnificent scenery, odd wildlife, pristine beaches (albeit with COLD water)  and friendly locals who speak English (more or less). 

Be SURE to stay long enough to get the quirkiness. 

Maybe not a strong “Must-do” recommendation as a destination in and of itself.   But ABSOLUTELY worth extending and then adding to a trip down-under.

2 thoughts on “Should EVERYONE spend their Anniversary in Tasmania?…

  1. A trip to a faraway land-looks like you nailed it on this trip! Happy Anniversary. ( and happy birthday to my old friend Steve). Agree with all about wonderful Tassie. A chance there to discover and appreciate all that makes life interesting,healthy and enjoyable. I would happily return to this most southern of Down Unders. Have completely enjoyed this travel journal of yours. Experiences-especially in the quirky realm-are the things that remain with you while you’re sitting in that dentist’s chair!! SAFE TRAVELS….till next trip

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