Europe 2016

Decorating Research…

On the hunt for Decorating Ideas
On the hunt for Decorating Ideas

Today (Thursday,  I think) dawned nice and sunny, which is a big change from each of the preceding days. We hopped on a train (Which stops across the street from our boat) and visited the City/Palace of Versaille. I guess I would say that Paris isn’t opulent enough, so we had to up the ante a bit. Needless to say, we did NOT get any PRACTICAL decorating ideas for our new construction from this day.

For the Back Yard?
A little Sumthin For the Back Yard?

Last night we ate at a famous chef’s place as recommended by the book provided by Ms. Peterson. The chef (Christian Constant) has three places right in a row. They start at reasonable, and head towards astronomical. Price wise. I figure if they don’t actually share the same kitchen, they DO share the same vision. So we picked the Café (Lowest prices). I had Quail stuffed with Fois Gros and Liz had Chicken-something-french. Both Mains were preceded with French Onion Soup – perfect for rainy cold weather (which it has been every day). AWESOME.

Liz is enjoying the wines…but we don’t remember from day to day WHAT she enjoyed so every day is a new and exciting one.. I should mention the Beer situation here in France. There is not much that the French do. And they seem to be aware of this so they import Belgian Beer. Leffe is quite good and commonly available on draught. It is especially good with Quail, I learned last night!

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