We drove FAST to get to OKC, because there were several games in a home stand that we wanted to attend, including the Home Opener on 29 October. Since we attended Chet’s first NBA Game on 25 October, that left…
Chicago and the Wild Women of Ho Chunk
We returned to Chicago and planned to spend almost a month to accomplish doc appointments AND to attend Chet’s first NBA Game. As luck would have it, OKC was opening the season in Chicago. The check-in process at Illinois Beach…
Ontario, the Burgh and Soo (many Breweries and Wineries)
Next, we wound our way thru Northern Ontario for 1600KM and several days. We naively planned a visit to the Aidelbaum’s cottage near Kirkland lake “since we would be in Kenora, “right around the corner!” What we were reminded in…
Island Living, Canadian Style!
I guess our last missive left off at the point where the docs decided I was NOT dead, or at least that I had had all the imaging studies and radioactive cocktails they could subject me to without truly establishing…
Docs, Docs, Docs and Furniture
Part of our task while in the midwest included Doc Appointments. We used to allow a couple days…bang them out and then leave again. Now that I am officially “old” (i.e. Medicare Eligible) It has been 45 days since our…
Unveiling, and a Midwestern Spiral
Our usual approach on these posts has been to document in chronological order all the sh*t you cannot make up about our journey. Inasmuch as we have been teasing about the name(s) for our new bus, We thought to go…
Laying on of (Mechanic) Hands
We had made an appointment with our friends at Lazzari Truck Services almost as soon as we knew we were going to be buying the new Bus. That was to be mid-March, and I was just starting to think about…
When a Door Closes, Another Opens…
As mentioned in our previous (a while ago!) post, we SOLD our bus and headed out from New Mexico to continue our roaming. It was a little bit sad, but also happy watching our Home for the past 6 years…
Consummation and Repairs!
Once we arrived in Elephant Butte, the first order of business was to make sure the New Bus condition was as expected. In particular, we had not been able to do a road test because the driveway was overgrown with…
Our (Aborted) Swing North
Our last few months has been spent in one spot, more or less. This is because, as reader(s) of this Blog may remember, we have acquired our next phase of mobile operations! And it needed some work before we could…