Europe 2016

Loire — And recovery from Troisgros

We slept in a bit today. Recovery from Troisgros and the ensuing food coma. Several people asked what we ate; the following was the menu, and I thought a pic of our Apres-Dessert might help. Although the waiter thought it was our Birthday (again), the kitchen got it right. 

Once we got moving, we had breakfast as provided by our host. This was a special bread – like a coffee cake with cranberries and nuts. Then we decided to drive. Medieval villages dot the landscape so we thought we’d visit a couple. The first was Saint-Jean-Saint-Maurice-sur-Loire. The second was Saint-Haon-le-Châtel.

Although people live here “modernly,” (i.e. with plumbing, electricity etc.) the houses LOOK like they did 500 years ago+.  Very nice to walk (a lot) in hopes of eventually being able to eat again!!!

Once back in Roanne, it was time to think about dinner. I was not sure we would ever want to eat again after Troisgros, but we managed! This time a small place near the Loire River that was obviously the life’s work of a charming couple. Neither spoke much English, but the wife introduced us to her best friend (her dictionary) and I always travel with Dr. Google. So we managed! Another food coma!. But this time we had to walk back about 2 miles  to our apartment before we could crash.  And,  crash we did!   Tomorrow it is off to Lyon for a couple days.


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