Our AIRBNB in Verona is EXCELLENT (with a couple of caveats). We were able to secure a free parking spot right in front. In an old building, the apartment itself is very modern and comfortable. The toilet works and accepts everything a working toilet SHOULD accept. So we no longer need the poodle-sacks we obtained in Monaco. I can even stand in the shower, and there is a washing machine.
The caveats: No coffee maker — not a big deal as we are a 5-minute walk from the center and there are plenty of coffee makers there. The other caveat relates again to hair dryers (readers will think we are obsessed…). This time there WAS a hair dryer, but we could NOT find a place to plug it in anywhere near a mirror and certainly not in the bathroom.
Lots of pedestrian streets in the center. Nice to walk. We stopped for drinks at a random bar on a random square. Bartender spoke English very well, and we discussed Futbol (the European Variety). There was a match on…apparently quite an important one. Verona vs. somebody. I asked him which color shirts I should root for. He said “Yellow.” They lost. Beer was Belgian, however. And quite good.
I tried to explain Hockey to him. Like futbol only faster.
Dinner was a Veronnaise family place recommended by our host. We had a 3-course meal with Local Wine Pairings by our new best friend Paulo. Lots of fun, and really tasty. There were two fixed menus available. The one featuring Horse Stew we decided against. I am sure it is EXCELLENT, but I still have memories of my last regional delicacy: Pig Poo Sausage.

The owner looked JUST like a friend of ours in Chicago. When I told him this, he insisted on giving us a bottle of local wine to take back and drink with his “cousin.” Dinner finished with a bit of Grappa and we staggered home.
Today our itinerary was tempered by Dan feeling a little under the weather. Not saying I was hung over…actually a cold ++. But I AM sticking to beer and NO GRAPPA in the near future. Anyway, we took a shorter walk. We went in search of Juliette’s house. There are signs pointing…but they seemed to lead us in circles. At one point we DID find a building labelled “Romeo et Guiliette” but it was a hotel.
A little discouraged, we stopped and had a pizza at Bill’s place. Thus inspired, we DID find the “official” place where Guiliette lived. Truth be told, we followed a tour guide. Tour was in Italian, but he was holding up a little blue flag in the crowd and we figured that is where HE was going.
This evening we were still full from Pizza for lunch. (Really good, BTW. That Bill guy had skills!). Dan was also feeling still a little “punk.” So we went and had a Gelato.
Tomorrow we hit the road again. To Munich to visit the son of a friend of Mom’s. We are hoping our path across the Alps will be blessed with reasonable weather.