Europe 2016

STILL Fun in Austria! (Vienna)

Yesterday we took the train to Wein. Which was a little puzzling to me until I realized that was “Vienna,” which we had discussed and intended to visit. Once I had achieved that level of clarity, I was ready for the day!

Again, a really fascinating day. Beginning with the fast train (a little over an hour to Vienna). Then a couple of short distances on the “U” (underground). Then a walk to the Schönbrunn Palace.   This is the Austrian answer to Versaille. Large and impressive, with especially impressive gardens. We climbed up high in the gardens for a scenic overlook of Vienna.

TafelspitzALAPlachutta.30We then had some more traditional Austrian fare. This time a famous beef dish (Tafelspitz) at a famous restaurant (Plachutta — the emperor’s favorite). It is basically a beef soup with various vegetables and sides of potatoes, spinach, butter beans, Marrow (to spread on bread). And in the beef soup are LARGE slices of beef. SO, as you can imagine, this was a light, dainty dish!   It was also the BEST beef soup ever. But good thing we had A LOT more walking in the afternoon.

We had a tour guide recommended by the guide in Linz. She was EXCELLENT. We walked through a lot if courtyards and alleyways of the medieval and newer parts of the city. We learned about the SEVERAL subterranean levels UNDER the older parts of the city. About the plague. The “poor” Jesuits whose churches are made of plaster and painted “false 3-d” cupolas instead of Marble and astonishment.  The tours we have had have REALLY enhanced our visit.

After the tour and a bit of walking in the very crowded pedestrian area near St. Stephens (with high end and local shopping and famous coffee and bakery houses – the home of Julius Mienl and the Mienl Museum!), we had a drink at a Bar overlooking Vienna.  Camera battery dead,  so few pictures.  Then we went back to the train station (by U) and back to Linz. For dinner. This time SUSHI, because we were in beef overload.

Today is Sunday and we are going to go to Salzburg. We have booked a “Sound of Music” tour with “Bob’s Tour Company.” You can’t make this stuff up. Liz will be in heaven…Dan is going to need a beer.

Tomorrow we begin heading back to Paris for our flight home (Wednesday morning). We have an AIRBNB booked in Strasbourg (Old City area) for Monday night.

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