I’d like a copy of that gorgeous couple in formal dress for my photo gallery, please.
Is this the only way I can contact you? Does your telephone number stay the same?
By the way Nancy Livingston died last week. She had a good long life (93 yrs) except for the last few years when she didn’t recognize people. Made it hard to visit her in the Senior Care Residence.
Let’s make a product that merges the good functions of everyone else into one complete product.
Dan, Liz:
I’d like a copy of that gorgeous couple in formal dress for my photo gallery, please.
Is this the only way I can contact you? Does your telephone number stay the same?
By the way Nancy Livingston died last week. She had a good long life (93 yrs) except for the last few years when she didn’t recognize people. Made it hard to visit her in the Senior Care Residence.
Happy travels,